Saturday 8 November 2014

The cold autumn air is a great excuse to stay in and eat !

I went back to Bordeaux last friday for my first full week-end since september. I love going there in the fall, it always reminds me of christmas ! We had some guests over so I decided to try out my new cooking skills and made a 3 course meal : porcini mushrooms with chestnuts, parsley and a white wine sabayon, then a roasted canette ith glazed carrots and turnips, and finally for desert a fruit salad.
I enjoyed being creative and using all the skills I've learned. My first semester is over, I have my exams this saturday, which is stressing me out a little bit but hopefully it will all go well.
Anyway here's how I made the dessert :

- I cut the suprêmes (skinless slices) of grapefruit and oranges, and i peeled the clementines and simply sliced them. For the figures, i just cut a cross on the top to open them.
- I also made some orange blossom madeleines : you mix in a bowl 150 g of sugar and 150 g of melted butter, then add 3 eggs, and 150 g of self-raising flour, and a table spoon of orange blossom water.
- I candied orange and lemon peel : you put julienne zests in water and bring it to boil, since out and repeat a second time. Then cook the peel in water and sugar until you have a syrup, take the peel out and cover them with caster sugar.
- I also made a syrup to put on top of the fruit by cooking orange and grapefruit juice with brown sugar.
- I zested a lime on top, and added mint leaves for decoration.

And voilà !
I love citrus, they feel like christmas to me, when clementines are in season I could easily eat 3 kg of them everyday ! This dessert is truly one of my favorite that I've made and it's super simple ! I truly recommend it :) !