Sunday 17 May 2015

Boeuf strogonoff

     Okay, so this dish doesn't look like much, but believe me, it's AMAZING! Definitely one of my favorite comfort food dishes alongside famous mr lasagna ! 
It's one of those things that doesn't take much effort, just a few ingredients and a long simmering time, but becomes this wonderful warm and flavorsome meal that fills your insides with happiness, so I would recommend you try this at one, either to please your friends and family (and impress them with a traditional recipe) or in a bowl on the sofa in front of a good movie!


- Cut of beef (either filet if you like to eat meat rare or medium rare, if you like it more cooked than go for a cut like beef chuck or other braising cuts)
- Tomatoes ( 5 or 6)
- Onion
- A few cloves of garlic
- A bay leaf
- Parsley stems
- White wine
- Tomato concentrate
- Veal stock
- Paprika
- Cream

- Rice
- Courgettes (1 or 2 )
- A carrot 

Recipe : 

1) Start off by searing the beaf in a saucepan, you want to color both sides in hot oil, than put it away on a plate.
2) In the same pan, sweat out some diced onion, than add about half a glass of white wine. Add some chopped garlic and let the wine reduce.
3) add a table spoon of tomato concentrate and the same amount of flour, than cook it for a bit still stirring.
3) Add the peeled and chopped tomatoes (if you put the tomato in boiling water for a few seconds, they'll be easier to peel), one cube of veal stock, the bay leaf, parsley stems and cover with water.
4) Cover the pot and let it simmer until you have a tomato sauce consistency. 
P.S. : This is when you would add your braising beef if you like it well cooked and let it simmer until the meat is tender and delicious.
5) In the mean time dice the courgette and carrot (or you could make tiny carrot balls using a small melon baller) and cook them in some salted boiling water.
6) Cook the rice according to the instructions on the packet ;) ! 
7) When the sauce is ready, add cream and paprika to taste, and put the meat back in (if you've gone for the rare option).
8) Mix the rice and the vegetables together in butter.
And voilĂ  !