Wednesday 22 June 2016

Day 6: Los Gatos.

And back in the car it is! Next destination: Los Gatos. 
Now you might be wondering why a french family, on holiday half way across the world for two weeks, travelling across California would decide to stop in Los Gatos of all places. I've got one word for you: Manresa, aka the best restaurant I've ever been to.
Now let me first explain the pictures here, arriving at our destination, we were hungry for some lunch and decided we probably ought to keep it light knowing we were eating in an amazing restaurant that very evening, so that's why we ended up at the Cheesecake factory! I know, I know, we sound very intelligent. But to be fair, we only shared two cheesecakes between four of us, and it was mostly for the experience (and to check if they really wore the uniforms Penny wears in The Big Bang Theory, which they do not... What happened there ?!). To be honest, we weren't a fan of the cheesecakes, but they weren't horrible, and the choices were impressive!
So anyway on to the important stuff: Dinner! 
I decided not to put photos of all the dishes we had, firstly because there were so many different dishes with many different components and I'm lazy, but mostly because I would find that a lack of respect towards the Chef. Instead I'm giving you a little taster of what we had to try to convince you to live the experience yourself. And it really was an experience, not only from the journey the food takes us on, every dish being an absolute sensation, I loved all the new techniques and slight asian inspirations in the meal. But even the service was something special, like a coordinated dance taking place around the tables. Basically I couldn't say enough amazing things about Manresa, if you can, GO! Well done Chef David Kinch, to me you are a genius. 

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