Friday 28 October 2016


I was asked in September to cater for a business meal of 25 people, so I thought I'd share the experience and recipes with you.
I was told to create the menu and prepare it for an evening meal with a budget of 400 pounds including wines. I asked my mum to be the Sommelier and Front of House for the evening, and I took charge of the food, this is what I came up with:
  • Amuse bouche: Pesto Gougères & Honey Roasted Figs with Goat's Cheese
  • Starter: Season Transition Salad
  • Main: Moroccan Style Chicken with Herby Bulgur Wheat
  • Refresher: Campari and Orange Granité
  • Dessert: Chocolate Tartlet with Salted Caramel Cream and Cherry Compote
1) Chocolate Tartlets:

- I prepared the Chocolate Tartlets the night before using my favourite recipe, here's a link to an old post I wrote about these heavenly tarts:
Then on the day, I prepared:
- Cherry compote:
Stew depitted cherries with sugar until the cherries are soft, using a 1:3 (sugar:cherry) ratio.

- Salted Caramel Cream:
  1. Make a caramel: Cook 250g of sugar with two pinches of salt and about 75mL of water until caramel brown. Take off the heat and poor in 250mL of double cream. Leave to cool.
  2. Whip some double cream to a soft peak, and stir in the caramel (add to taste).
- Assemble

2) Amuse Bouche

- Roasted Figs and Goats Cheese
  1. Slice the figs in half, drizzle honey over them and springle with thyme. Cook in the oven at 180°C for 30 minutes.
  2. Slice some goat's cheese in chunks and place on top of the halved figs, sprinkle with sugar and cook under a hot grilluntil brown.
- Pesto Gougères:
  1. Make a pesto: blitz together basil, parmesan, gruyère, garlic, salt and linseeds to taste.
  2. Make a choux paste, this is a good recipe:
  3. Mix the pesto into the pastry then cook. 
  4. Reheat at 200°C for 5 minutes when guests start to arrive.
- Pre-Dinner Unalcoholic cocktail:
  1. Burn rosemary and orange zest: cook in a dry pan to release the oils.
  2. Place the rosemary, orange zest, halved blueberries and ice in a glass and pour some tonic water over it.

3) Salad : Transition from Summer to Autumn

- Pea purée:
  1. Blanch Peas with salt and sugar
  2. Blend with olive oil until smooth
  3. Keep in the fridge
- Ricotta cream:
  1. Mix together: ricotta, olive oil, lemon zest, grated parmesan, black pepper.
  2. Keep in the fridge
- Blackberries: Cook them in a pan until soft with a bit of white wine.

- Crispy ham: lay some cured ham on a baking sheet and dry in an oven at 190°C until crispy.

- Other vegetables:
  1. Blanche the peas and the sugarsnaps, and slice the sugarsnaps.
  2. Slice the endives.
- Orange dressing:
  1. Mix together orange juice and zest, dijon mustard, olive oil, salt and pepper.
- Assemble.

4) Main:

- Chicken stew:
  1. Rub the chicken thights in harrissa paste and honey, then seize in a hot pan with olive oil.
  2. Prepare a chicken stock by putting chicken wings, a carrot, and an onion in a pan, cover with water. Bring to the boil then let it simmer for 30 minutes. Then Strain the stock and eave to the side.
  3. Sweat some onion in a deep pan (suitable for the oven) with oil, add carrots (sliced in big chunks) and leaks, deglaze the pan with white wine, add orange blossom, raz-el-hanout, cumin, coriander powder, and ginger powder. After a couple of minutes add tomato concentrate and cook for a minute, then add chopped tomatoes and confied lemons, the chicken thighs and cover with the ciken stock. 
  4. Cover and cook in the oven at 170°C for about 1 hour.
- Bulgur taboulé:
  1. Cook the bulgur wheat according to instructions
  2. Add lemon juice, olive oil and chopped parsley, coriander and mint.
- Assemble.

 5) Adult Slushy:

  1. Boil 200g of sugar with 400mL of water.
  2. Stir with 600mL of orange juice, and add Campari to taste.
  3. Put in a box in a freezer and stir with a fork after 10 hours, then every couple of hours.

That's it!
I really enjoyed this opportunity, and all the food was much appreciated (which is always nice).

N:B: I prepared a gluten free desert by pouring the ganache in a mug instead of the pastry case, and a vegetarian main using vegetable stock (and no chicken obviously) and a some extra parsnips and mushrooms. 

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Day 7: Monterey

Next stop is Monterey Bay. We didn't stay very long, just enough for a quick stop in Loulou's Griddle in the Middle for my very first Tuna Melt, and I'm hooked! It was delicious, loved the atmosphere as well. After that we went for a little stroll and saw a few seals and cake shops, what more could you want really ?!

Day 6: Los Gatos.

And back in the car it is! Next destination: Los Gatos. 
Now you might be wondering why a french family, on holiday half way across the world for two weeks, travelling across California would decide to stop in Los Gatos of all places. I've got one word for you: Manresa, aka the best restaurant I've ever been to.
Now let me first explain the pictures here, arriving at our destination, we were hungry for some lunch and decided we probably ought to keep it light knowing we were eating in an amazing restaurant that very evening, so that's why we ended up at the Cheesecake factory! I know, I know, we sound very intelligent. But to be fair, we only shared two cheesecakes between four of us, and it was mostly for the experience (and to check if they really wore the uniforms Penny wears in The Big Bang Theory, which they do not... What happened there ?!). To be honest, we weren't a fan of the cheesecakes, but they weren't horrible, and the choices were impressive!
So anyway on to the important stuff: Dinner! 
I decided not to put photos of all the dishes we had, firstly because there were so many different dishes with many different components and I'm lazy, but mostly because I would find that a lack of respect towards the Chef. Instead I'm giving you a little taster of what we had to try to convince you to live the experience yourself. And it really was an experience, not only from the journey the food takes us on, every dish being an absolute sensation, I loved all the new techniques and slight asian inspirations in the meal. But even the service was something special, like a coordinated dance taking place around the tables. Basically I couldn't say enough amazing things about Manresa, if you can, GO! Well done Chef David Kinch, to me you are a genius. 

San Francisco

Day 5 : SF on the dock of the bay.

We went back to San Fransisco since both my mother and my brother had some meetings to go to. My amazingly talented big brother was given a spot in the city to paint and here's what he created: "The American Dream" by Dada. If you like it, might as well check out his Facebook page:  (shameless promotion there!).

Getting back to food now, we had lunch in a little restaurant that specialises in Grilled Cheese, so obviously I decided to get soup, don't ask me why! It was very nice though, and we went for the classic pink lemonade, home made and delicious.

After a busy day of working and exploring we ended up on the peers for dinner, I had a clear aim to try the famous SF sourdough so we ended up in a crab restaurant, obviously we ate all things crab, except for the classic clam (and crab) chowder...served in sourdough bread! So nice.

Sunday 10 April 2016

The Napa Valley (day 2)

Well I can't believe how long it's been since my last post! It's embarassing really, I started uni last september and I've just been busy, and not really cooking anything spectacular either :p . Anyway, I think for the sake of closure I'm going to try finishing these posts about my trip las summer to California, however I doubt I'll be able to go into much detail, like names of restaurants etc. It's still lovely to look back at thes pictures of the best holiday of my life.

Day 4: Calistoga day 2.

We started out the day with a visit of a vineyard outside Calistoga, unfortunately i'm not old enough to drink in teh US so I was unable to participate in the tasting, but it was still a beautiful property and very interesting to see how they produced wine in America (originally beingfrom Bordeaux in France).

We had lunch in a little town, don't ask me what it was called though... I doremember it being delicious !

We obviously had to drive by the Old Faithful Geyser, and wait 45 minutes to see it, twas quite worth it though, I mean I'm sure there are more impressive ones out there especially in the US, but for my first I thought it was beautiful !

My old time favorite...Frozen yogurt:

Dinner was lovely, we had truffle pizza and iced tea in a cute little garden, aka bliss !

And that was it for day 4, absolutely brilliant day again.