Sunday 22 June 2014

Winter's a great time to stay in and cuddle, but put me in SUMMER and I'll be a ... Happy Felicity

In the words of Olaf the snowman : "When life gets tough I like to hold on to my dreams, of relaxing in the summer sun, just letting of steam !"
This is it guys, Summer has arrived ! The birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, the kids are playing, and lots of other magical poetic stuff is happening !

My favorite part about summer, along with the Holliday, sun, friends and swimming pools, is the food!
Today's lunch was the first meal that actually made me feel like it was summer, yet it was very simple, but delicious !
We had melon and ham wich is one of my absolute favorites...

He didn't last very long ;)             

And then we had cheese and fruit, oh How I just loooooooove fruit !


Saturday 21 June 2014

Simple tasty dinner with Pork and Courgettes

So I haven't done much cooking lately, but the good news is, I'm on Holliday in a week! I can already smell it !!!!!!
Anywho, the other day I made a very simple dinner...
To accompany some pork filets that I cooked in a frying pan, I put some butter, olive oil, onions and courgettes to sweat out in a separate pan :

I then quartered some tomatoes and added them to the pan to simmer with white wine, salt and pepper !

Ant that was it really, easy peasy !

Saturday 14 June 2014

Salmon Tatiki for my Daddy

It's been way too long since I posted anything ! I went on a field trip to study rocks and flowers for a week and then I just couldn't find the time to do any cooking. Anyway tonight I finally did make up with my stove, except I completely forgot to take photos...:/

So in honor of father's day (which is tomorrow) , i cooked dinner for my Papa.
I made a salmon tataki, by thickly slicing a salmon filet, and served it with boiled potatoes. I also made two very different sauces:
- one very simple chive, lemon, pepper and yogurt Nordic sauce.
- and one more Asian with a soy sauce and lemon juice base, and chopped carrots, radishes, with of course a lot of coriander.

Sorry there aren't any photos to illustrate, this must be pretty boring but it's all I've got for tonight...

Sunday 1 June 2014

Fennel salad

Today was market day, which means we got some nice fish!
  To go with it I made a fennel salad :
I thinly sliced the fennel and steamed it, then I let it cool. I chopped some apple and smothered it in lemon.

  As a vinaigrette, i mixed olive oil, orange juice and zest, lemon juice, salt and black pepper (sage is also nice in this).
Mix it all together and voilĂ , perfect to accompany fish ;) !

Mother's day lunch

  Last sunday was mother's day in France, so I decided to make my mum a nice sunday lunch!
On the menu, roasted pork with peaches, black rice and beans.

  To start with, i cooked the rice, because I got this really fancy black rice which takes 45 minutes to cook, but I'm telling you, it's totally worth it, it tasts a little bit of vanilla I find, and the texture is amazing !

Then i cooked the pork in the oven at 220°C for 35 minutes ...

 afterwards I added some yummy tinned peaches and covered the dish, I put it back in the turned off oven for 10 minutes while I cooked some green beans ...

  don't forget to add some salt and pepper ;)

And voilĂ  !