Thursday 17 July 2014

Feel-good crêpes

Yesterday was a very nice sunny day ....

Unfortunately my Dad didn't have a very good day, so I decided to cheer him up ! And what's the number 1 food that is sure to put anybody in a good mood ? 
Well crêpes of course !

 You start by folding together 250g of flour and 25cl of milk.

 Then you had 3 eggs beaten in an omelette.
 Then you add 2 table spoons of melted butter, 2 table spoons of sugar and 1/2 a tea spoon of salt.

By the way you must mix it vigorously and for a long time during each step to avoid what we call "grumeaux", which are lumps in the batter.
 Then add 1 table spoon of orange blossom for the flavor that sends you straight back to your childhood (well that's what it does for me anyway ;p )

 Finally slowly stir add 25cl of milk until the batter is runny but not liquid.
Now for the fun part ...

 Take a ladle of batter and pour it in a steaming hot pan ( it must be really hot and add a bit of melted butter on it before with a brush).

You'll know it's time to flip them over when the edges turn brown.
Tadaaaa !
Yum, it's always the big question of "how many did you manage to make with the batter", this time it was 12 :).
 Then it's time to eat it, I prepared a few things to put on them :
Fruit (peaches here), chocolate paste (i mixed together unsweetened coca powder and boiling water, it's very bitter but delicious), and another chocolate paste with bourbon, vanilla sugar, lemon and jams.
And down to the garden we go !

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