Tuesday 15 July 2014

Juice dance

In order for you to understand what I did in Paris after I returned from Italy, I need to take you back to 2013... (i.e. last year)
Paris had been invaded by a man that already ruled over North America. He called himself Juice, Healthy Juice.
Yes, it was all about the healthy juices : made from all sorts of green cabbages and other vegetables mixed with different fruit, these potions all contained different minerals and vitamins essential for our well-being and survival.
I loved these juices, well to be honest I always got the "easy" ones, made from lots of different fruit and NO vegetables, except the occasional carrot. Basically I liked my juices sweet, no I loved them ! I would force my mum to go to this restaurant where they made these glasses of magic, and I would go on and on about them, so much so that she bought me a juicer for christmas.
At first I used it all the time, every day I would have a home made juice. But my mum was tired of buying lots of fresh fruit that I wouldn't always finish and I hated cleaning this huge machine that, of course, doesn't go in the dishwasher. So it ended up in a cupboard...
Except when I came back from my trip in Italy, after having eaten pasta, pizza and cream for 7 days, I felt like having a cure of vegetables. So we bought loads of fresh ones and I decided to give the juicer another go, and I'm glad. It turns out vegetable juices are delicious, and after all that grease and starch I can tell you it really hit the spot, it felt amazing.
So here's what I did :
My very first juice contained cabbage, cucumber and apple.

 Here's what I do to save the apple in the fridge to avoid it going brown.
 And this for the remaining leaves of cabbage.

After cutting all the veg:

Juice the hard ones...

Here's the monster in the flesh : 

 Then the soft ones...

I put ice cubes sand lemon juice in a big glass.
I add salt and pepper.
 The wonderful spoon to stir if you're cool like me and don't have the proper utensils...

As a snack to go with the juice i spread some cream cheese and tomato concentrate on a rice cracker :

Voilà ! 

I continued my juice making the next day with an apricot, apple and carrot juice : yum.

Basically you just put vegetables and fruit in the juicer and enjoy !

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